An accessible, free, non-profit, online AI camp that focuses on mastering theory and practice of skills from introductory data analysis to understanding ChatGPT. Available globally.


countries around the globe


students taught


dollars paid by students

NXT AI isn't your traditional AI camp

We teach the theory and practice behind the concepts we discuss, so our students can excell in any AI endeavor, whether it be building a revolutionary startup or influential research, both things our students have done.

3 weeks of wonder

NXT AI students spend their first two weeks learning Python, advanced data science techniques, algorithms, and the fundementals of AI, completing capstone projects and assignments to demonstrate mastery. Mentors go off the knowledge of the students, thereby comfortabley fitting the required lectures in the time.

The following week, students create their own AI projects, with extensive guidance from mentors, to ensure success. Often, students apply AI skills to other domains, such as healthcare or astronomy, and present their projects at the NXT AI Expo, to win prizes. Projects that have won prizes include breast cancer detection and a carbon emission analysis.

Access to resources

Developing powerful AI systems is resource-intensive, but NXT AI students get access to top-tier platforms to maximize efficiency and learning, including:

$5,000 for AWS credits to spin up clusters of powerful GPUs for training and inference
Microsoft Azure credits to access state-of-the-art pre-built models and pipeline
Resources and funding for projects from industry donors and partners

What our students say:

"I liked NXT AI because of its engaging and practical approach to learning AI concepts. The teacher was excellent at explaining complex topics, making the learning process enjoyable and effective, and the jupyter notebook shared helped in going back to each session and helped me figure out what code issues I had. The consistent improvement in my AI skills and the supportive learning environment kept me coming back for each session."

~ Shailesh Saravanan (India)

"Regarding NXT AI, I am thankful that they were able to create a free summer camp through which students could learn concepts that will also be applicable later on in Iife. Furthermore, I like how the teacher demonstrated the concepts that were being taught in a practical manner so that it would be easier for students to understand and give them an idea on what to do if a they want to create a similar project."

~ Shaheer Muhammad (Saudi Arabia)

"It was actually a good experience. I am new to this field, but I was passionate from the beginning of this program to the end. In fact, it wasn't because I was good at it but the teacher amazed me and made me get ready for the next session."

~ Beka Fekadu (Nepal)

"I liked that I didn't feel rushed while learning and that all of my questions were explained throughly. We moved at a quick pace, but we started off with the basics and gradually became more advanced, so it was understandable."

~ Nikita Jain (USA)


Our planned next cohort begins next summer, check back for important dates.

Send over an email to admin@nxtaicamp.com